Solidarity for Artists
An inclusive online interdisciplinary creative hub to empower emerging artists
An online creative hub that showcases, connects and supports emerging artists and promotes cultural production and employment opportunities.
Produced under the auspices and with the financial support of the Greek Ministry of Culture
We are developing an online platform capable of hosting artists from various disciplines such as musicians, performers, visual artists, and filmmakers. Registered artists may showcase their work in their own profiles, receive donations for their existing work or for their new productions and be contacted by their audience or by other artists / employers to explore potential synergies.
If you are an emerging artist, join our inclusive community by completing the form, so that we can guide you to create your profile on SolidARTists FORM
If you are a company or an institution, contact us for more information. CONTACT
A unique inclusive online creative hub of solidarity for emerging artists from all cultural and artistic backgrounds. Showcasing their work, receiving donations, collaborating with other artists or with companies and cultural institutions are some of the possibilities we offer. Ultimately, we want to facilitate the production of live & web events by bridging with public & private sector institutions.
An online creative hub of solidarity for emerging artists during and after the pandemic. Showcasing their work, receiving donations, or collaborating with other artists are some of the possibilities we offer. Ultimately, we want to encourage & facilitate the production of live & web events by bridging with public & private sector institutions.
Are you thinking about a digital platform for social change?
Do you need to improve accessibility to social services, raise awareness, or increase the impact of one of your projects?
Let’s discuss! We can co-design & implement a creative, efficient digital, cross-media solution adjusted to your needs.