Indigenous Communities ACT - We impACT

An online platform to empower indigenous communities to improve their livelihoods
We are developing an online digital platform that will enable indigenous communities of the world to connect with people, like you, that care about directly contributing to improving their livelihoods.
During the first lockdown in March 2020, when the whole world was affected by the pandemic, we were very concerned about the most vulnerable, marginalized populations, such as indigenous people. Not only do their poor access to healthcare lead to whole communities to being hit by pandemic, but also the virus finds them already weakened, as they often can’t afford their daily food. Repeated lockdowns increased both their food and economic insecurity. They lose their already precarious informal (for local authorities) daily works, and together with their traditional lands and territories, they also lose their traditional livelihoods.
Indigenous people face existential threats from rising deforestation, anti-environment and anti-indigenous policies, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The survival of their communities is at stake (as they only make up 6% of global population), and so is the survival of their Elders who retain their traditional wisdom, their cultural heritage, and protect the environment together with 80% of the world’s biodiversity.
CommuniTACT is designed to give access to technology to indigenous communities, thus access to the world and to equal opportunities, reducing inequalities within and among countries (Sustainable Development Goal 10). We will mobilize and empower indigenous communities to take action towards the improvement of their livelihoods based on their own ideas, resources, and projects. We are giving a voice to the most underrepresented, to self-define their communities, their art and cosmo-theory, their visions for the future, their projects and needs, so that the world, including the platform users, may discover their unique identities and challenges from their own perspectives.
Together we can impACT their lives. Your donations will reach them directly through our platform to support their livelihoods, encourage the sustainable production of their traditional handcrafts (you will be receiving one as a thank you gift), and allow them to work towards the goals they have set with their registered projects which will be supported by the platform’s donors. This brings us closer to Sustainable Development Goal 8: to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
By contributing to their causes and projects, not only do we impact and improve traditional communities’ lives, but also our own. We create positive change for our collective world destiny in the sense of oneness, as the indigenous wisely conceive it, for our environmental sustainability, and for our planet!
An online digital platform used to interconnect the international community with indigenous people of the world. Our goal is to empower remote indigenous communities to defend their rights, to benefit from equal opportunities, and to connect with the world, out of their isolation. We aim to facilitate their access to technology and to allow them to directly receive the international attention, respect, and financial support they deserve, so that they may progressively move towards the sustainable future they envision.
Support our journey, support our crowdfunding campaign
40 communities from the Amazon are ready to register their profile on our platform. We need your support to finalize our MVP (Minimum Viable Product), test it, and adjust it before launching.
You can be part of the international community of supporters that contribute in bringing positive change. Start by supporting our campaign, to help us finalize and launch our platform, CommunitACT, then stay tuned: you’ll be notified to follow up with the first one hundred indigenous communities registered on our platform. You will be able to impACT their lives forever!
Support our campaign here: